caritas philippines logo 2024

The Green Luzon National Team of Caritas Philippines, along with representatives from the Social Action Center – Caritas Tabuk – GREEN LUZON Kalinga and Apayao, participated in the first-semester meeting of the Kalinga Provincial Peoples Council (KPPC) and Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in 2024.

During the meeting, Father Jeorge Manisem presented a petition as both Director and Coordinator for the Diocesan Social Action Center of Tabuk and Chairman of the KPPC Board of Trustees. This petition advocated for an ordinance establishing a formal partnership between the Kalinga provincial government and the KPPC.

Governor James S. Edduba of Kalinga echoed the importance of the KPPC and CSOs. He emphasized that their participation is more than just attending meetings. They are, in essence, considered co-governing bodies. Their active involvement is essential for shaping policies that will improve the lives of Kalinga residents.

The proposed partnership aligns perfectly with the Green Luzon Project’s goals. One of its objectives is to empower community organizations to actively participate in local governance. Establishing this formal partnership would be a significant achievement for the Green Luzon Project.