caritas philippines logo 2024

Caritas Philippines stands in solidarity with Filipino farmers, civil society organizations, and NGOs in their resolute opposition to the Philippine government’s plan to join the International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV).

We firmly believe that UPOV, with its corporate-centric focus on intellectual property rights over seeds, poses a grave threat to the livelihoods of our farmers, the integrity of our food systems, and the preservation of our biodiversity.

Caritas Philippines is deeply committed to upholding the rights of small-scale farmers, who are the backbone of our agricultural sector. We recognize their invaluable contributions to food security and rural development. UPOV’s provisions, which restrict farmers’ rights to save, use, and exchange seeds, directly undermine the resilience and self-sufficiency of our farming communities.

We emphasize the significance of indigenous seeds and the traditional knowledge that accompanies them. These genetic resources have been carefully cultivated and adapted over generations to suit our local agro-ecological conditions. UPOV’s imposition of intellectual property rights on these invaluable resources threatens to erode our agricultural heritage and compromise our food sovereignty.

Furthermore, Caritas Philippines underscores the importance of the Organic Agriculture Act of 2010. This law prioritizes ecological sustainability and the well-being of farmers and consumers. Joining UPOV could potentially conflict with the principles enshrined in this vital legislation.

We call upon the Philippine government to reconsider its decision to join UPOV and instead prioritize the interests of our farmers and the overall health of our agricultural sector. We urge the government to invest in supporting and developing our local seed systems, empowering farmers, and promoting sustainable agricultural practices.

Caritas Philippines pledges its full support to the growing movement against UPOV and will actively participate in efforts to protect farmers’ rights, safeguard our seed heritage, and ensure food security for all Filipinos.