Caritas Korea is opening an opportunity for Caritas Philippines to submit a proposal focusing on basic education, health and nutrition, and ecology.
Hence, we are calling for at least two DSACs to co-design and implement the proposal with us!
Criteria of the DSACs for the call:
1. The DSAC must be working with an IP community preferably living in their ancestral domain
2. The IP community should have at least 20-30 elementary school children
3. The project site needs to be near an elementary school
4. The IP community must be willing to undergo a family holistic development program: Values Formation on Parenting and Family Integration, Basic Community Healthcare, Basic Nutrition, Good Citizenship, Self-Help Groups, Livelihood and Social Enterprise, Sustainable Agriculture, Integrity of Creation and Ecological Spirituality, Community Resiliency and Sustainability
Send us your expressions of interest on or before September 9, 2024 thru: